Tom and I like to cook soup in the Fall and Winter. I was looking on for something different and found a great new recipe for American French Onion Soup. The recipe is from Chef John at Food Wishes. His recipes are reliably delicious and he does a great job teaching how to cook. We were not disappointed!

I picked up two bags of yellow onions at Kroger (2 bags of six onions per bag for $4.00). I saved the onion skins to use to make onion skin dyed paper.

To make the onion skin dye I measured two cups of water into a big boiling pan, put in all the onion skins and turned the heat up high. The color came out of the onions immediately. I let it cook for 15 minutes and the color got deeper/richer, a very beautiful color. I poured the onion skin dye into a glass baking dish (10″ x 15″x 2″) through a strainer to catch any stray onion skins/bits. I put a sheet of Canson XL Series, Cold Press, 9″ x 12″ !40 lb. watercolor paper into the dye. When the paper curled up I turned it over and pressed it down into the dye.

After dyeing three sheets of watercolor paper with the onion dye I dyed a few flour sack towels that I like ot use for table napkins decorated using IOD stamps. I wrung out the flour sacks as I dyed them and was able to get three prettily dyed orange towels.

While the flour sack towels and paper dried on the front porch Tom and I had a bowl of the onion soup with some cheese toast. Delicious!

Another day I’ll show you how I stamped the onion dyed flour sacks.

I also soaked a few paper doilies in the onion dye. I plan on using them when I make junk journals.

Happy Fall Y’all!

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