Hello, journal enthusiasts! As a junk journal designer, I’m happy to share my insights about the heart and soul of junk journals – the pages.

What are Junk Journal Pages?

Junk journal pages are the canvas on which we create our art. They are typically made from a variety of materials, including but not limited to old book pages, scrapbook paper, cardstock, envelopes, maps, and even fabric. The beauty of junk journals lies in their diversity and the freedom they offer to the creator.

Types of Pages

1. Themed Pages: These pages revolve around a specific theme, such as travel, vintage, nature, or holidays. They are decorated with related ephemera, stickers, and stamps.

2. Interactive Pages: These pages contain elements that invite interaction, like pockets filled with tags, flip-outs, folios, or hidden journaling spots.

3. Mixed Media Pages: These pages are a playground for creativity, incorporating various mediums like paint, ink, stencils, and collage.

Designing Junk Journal Pages

Designing junk journal pages is a personal and creative process. Here are some tips:

1. Layering: Start with a base layer such as 8.5″ x 11″ piece of light weight cardstock, use glue to add a second layer (like a vintage book page or music sheet), and then add smaller pieces on top. This creates depth and interest.

2. Use of Ephemera: Ephemera are items designed to be useful or important for only a short time, especially pamphlets, notices, tickets, etc. They add a unique and vintage touch to your pages.

3. Stamping and Stenciling: These are great ways to add visual interest and fill in blank spaces. You can use ink or paint.

4. Journaling: Don’t forget to leave space for writing! After all, it’s still a journal. You can write directly on the page or on tags or pieces of paper that you tuck into pockets.

The Joy of Junk Journaling

The process of creating junk journal pages is therapeutic and fulfilling. It’s about more than just crafting; it’s a form of self-expression and preservation of memories. So, grab your supplies, let your creativity flow, and most importantly, enjoy the process!

Remember, there are no rules in junk journaling. It is your journal, your rules. Happy journaling!